Outcome Studies

The CWH Health Scientists publish evaluations of our technology-based health interventions in leading scientific journals. Click on the links below for a sample of these articles.

Safe Sistah: Computer-Based HIV/STD Prevention for High Risk Women

Billings DW, Leaf SL, Spencer J, Crenshaw T, Brockington S, Dalal RS. A Randomized Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy of a Web-Based HIV Behavioral Intervention for High-Risk African American Women. AIDS Behav. 2015;19(7):1263-1274. doi:10.1007/s10461-015-0999-9. 

Heart Healthy: Reducing Cardiovascular Risk

Deitz D, Cook RF, Hersch RK, Leaf S. Heart healthy online: an innovative approach to risk reduction in the workplace. J Occup Environ Med. 2014;56(5):547-553. doi:10.1097/JOM.0000000000000148.

HealthyPast50: Health Promotion for Older Workers

Cook R, Hersch R, Schlossberg D, Leaf S. A web-based health promotion program for older workers: Randomized controlled trial. J Med Internet Res. 2015;17(3):e82. DOI: 10.2196/jmir.3399. 

Life Steps: Improving Medication Adherence
Hersch RK, Cook RF, Billings DW, et al. Test of a web-based program to improve adherence to HIV medications. AIDS Behav. 2013;17(9):2963-2976. doi:10.1007/s10461-013-0535-8

Healthy WorkLife for Young Adults (HWY) program

Hersch RH, Cook RF, Hughes D, Leaf SL, Billings DW. Healthy WorkLife for young adults: Implementing health promotion and substance abuse prevention in a health care setting. In: Bray JW, Galvin DM, Cluff LA, eds. Young Adults in the Workplace: A Multisite Initiative of Substance Use Prevention Programs Research Triangle Park, NC: RTI Press; 2011; p.15-27.

Smart Rx: Your Prescription for Good Health
Deitz DK, Cook RF, Hendrickson A. Preventing prescription drug misuse: field test of the SmartRx Web program. Subst Use Misuse. 2011;46(5):678-686. doi:10.3109/10826084.2010.528124.

Going Forward: Substance Abuse Prevention Program 

Billings D. An E-health relapse prevention program for the workplace. Final Report submitted to National Institute on Drug Abuse, Bethesda, MD. 2010.

Youth Mental Health: A Parents’ Guide
Deitz DK, Cook RF, Billings DW, Hendrickson A. A web-based mental health program: reaching parents at work. J Pediatr Psychol. 2009;34(5):488-494. doi:10.1093/jpepsy/jsn108

Stress and Mood Management
Billings DW, Cook RF, Hendrickson A, Dove DC. A web-based approach to managing stress and mood disorders in the workforce. J Occup Environ Med. 2008;50(8):960-968. doi:10.1097/JOM.0b013e31816c435b 

Health Connection: Diet, Exercise and Stress Management
Cook RF, Billings DW, Hersch RK, Back AS, Hendrickson A. A field test of a web-based workplace health promotion program to improve dietary practices, reduce stress, and increase physical activity: randomized controlled trial. J Med Internet Res. 2007;9(2):e17. Published 2007 Jun 19. doi:10.2196/jmir.9.2.e17.

Prevention Connection: Integrating Substance Abuse Prevention into Health Promotion
McPherson TL, Cook RF, Back AS, Hersch RK, Hendrickson A. A field test of a Web-based substance abuse prevention training program for health promotion professionals. Am J Health Promot. 2006;20(6):396-400. doi:10.4278/0890-1171-20.6.396

Workplace Health Promotion

Deitz D, Cook R, Hersch R. Workplace health promotion and utilization of health services: follow-up data findings. J Behav Health Serv Res. 2005;32(3):306-319. doi:10.1007/BF02291830

Trudeau JV, Deitz DK, Cook RF. Utilization and cost of behavioral health services: employee characteristics and workplace health promotion. J Behav Health Serv Res. 2002;29(1):61-74. doi:10.1007/BF02287832 

Hersch RK, Cook RF, Deitz DK, Trudeau JV. Methodological issues in workplace substance abuse prevention research. J Behav Health Serv Res. 2000;27(2):144-151. doi:10.1007/BF02287309

Cook RF, Back AS, Trudeau J. Preventing alcohol use problems among blue-collar workers: a field test of the Working People program. Subst Use Misuse. 1996;31(3):255-275. doi:10.3109/10826089609045812


Deitz D, Rios DM, Cook R. Aging well: Development and evaluation of an innovative tool to address problem drinking among older adults. Oral Presentation at: International Society of Research on Internet Interventions Conference; Feb 2019; Auckland, New Zealand. 

Rios DM, Deitz D, Cook R. An innovative path to reducing alcohol misuse among workers: Development and feasibility testing of a mobile web-based workplace wellness program.  Poster Presented at: International Society of Research on Internet Interventions Conference; Feb 2019; Auckland, New Zealand. 

Billings DW, Heil J, & Leaf SL. Positively tHrIVing: A computer-based intervention to improving the health of African American men living with HIV. Oral Presentation at: International Society of Research on Internet Interventions Conference; Oct 2017; Berlin, Germany.

Billings DW, Leaf SL, Smiley S. Mobile HIV risk assessment and prevention involving drug and sexual behaviors: The RAPID project. Oral Presentation at: International Society of Research on Internet Interventions Conference; Oct 2014; Valencia, Spain.

Cook RF. Well-constructed online programs can improve health: Results from six randomized trials. Oral Presentation at: European Congress of Psychology Meeting; 2013; Stockholm, Sweden.

Cook RF, Billings D, Hendrickson A. Adherence in internet interventions aimed at diet, exercise, stress and mood; 2006; Oral Presentation at: 11th World Congress on Internet in Medicine; Toronto, Canada.
For copies of these articles, please contact Dr. Debra Rios at drios@isagroup.com.